Lazy on the Moon
The night sky had been exceptionally busy the last month with all the hustle and bustle of eclipses, solar storms, dark stars, and meteor showers. It was all a bright star could do to keep up with all the goings on. Suddenly, she watched as Star after Star fell from the sky to the Earth below. They had burned out from all the pressure of burning brightly in the sky each and every night. Now, Our star friend here was worried that she might meet the same fate as all her other hard-shining friends. Not wanting this to happen to her, one night, she took notice of a crescent Moon hanging in the heavens all by itself. Maybe I do need and deserve a break, she thought to herself. So she grabbed a cold beverage, placed it on a nearby cloud, and laid herself across the Moon. The Moon had no objection, thank goodness. So there she lay with her feet up and a cold one, basking in the night sky. After a relaxing evening, she felt much better and was all ready to shine brightly in the heavens with her other hard-shining star brothers and sisters. The Star's suggestion to you and me is that if you are working too hard and feel that you are in need of a break, then you should pull up a Moon, kick off your shoes, grab a drink, and enjoy the ride.
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