the Tree of Stars a Moon,Sun & Stars fantasy ink and watercolor painting

Many, many years ago, geez, so long ago that some of you out there may not remember, there stood a very old tree on the Moon. Truth be told, it was actually the only tree that had grown on the Moon so many years ago. Now, this Moon was not like the trees that grow on our planet. No, no, this seedling grew a very different kind of fruit. This was not, I repeat, not the type of fruit you and I would eat. This fruit was made of stars. Yep, you heard me right, STARS. You know, like the ones that hang in the sky. This tree was known by the name of "Tree of the Stars." I think you can figure out why it was called this. The story goes that when the stars on the tree became big, ripe, and heavy enough, they would fall from the tree. Now, back here on Earth, that would mean they would fall to the ground. (Something to do with gravity) But as you may know, out there in outer space, there is no gravity to pull them down. (So I am told) So when these stars were big, ripe, and heavy enough, and when they fell from the tree, they were caught in a thing called the solar wind. When the solar wind caught them, they would be tossed into the outer cosmos and go wherever the solar wind took them, carrying them near and far. For many years, this "Tree of Stars' ' had many great crops of stars, and thanks to that, the sky became filled with stars that you and I see every night. (From the upcoming book “Cosmic Debris”)


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